EVOIA products including AmpliFYR ® seed treatment, is now available for sale through top ag distributors. Check out the link below to learn more about an example of where to buy EVOIA products through leading agricultural suppliers.
This patented product is made from natural ingredients extracted from high quality biochar. With a climate smart foundation using fire to make the base ingredient, the science behind AmpliFYR results in a seed treatment with proven results to stimulate seedling root and shoot growth, improve seedling vigor, and enhance the ability of the seedling to tolerate abiotic stress.
From multiple years of independent research as well as on-farm trials, AmpliFYR performs in a variety of conditions to consistently help plants start and stay strong and finish at their potential and profitability. This means growers have a sustainable option to protect their seed investment with the new patented AmpliFYR by enhancing and protecting the plant from stress resulting in improved vigor vitality, greater growth potential and yield opportunities.
AmpliFYR can be mixed and applied with other products in a seed treatment slurry or applied as an overtreatment to already treated seeds. AmpliFYR is safe to use with seed-applied inoculants. Always conduct a jar test to confirm mixture compatibility. Dilute product with water as needed to achieve a consistent, uniform application to seed.